1. Elysium 엘리시움
As the name suggests, Tom Klark’s Elysium liquid is an absolute pleasure.
The flavor is smooth and balanced, yet complex and intricate, without the distraction of heady top notes or need for acclimation.
Elysium harmonizes notes of honey, smoked wood, and dark chocolate to create a nuanced composition that builds with each inhalation, ushering in a sense of inner serenity.
With MTL devices, the sweet essence of honey is at the forefront, meanwhile in DL devices the liquid reveals a stronger core, with notes reminiscent of freshly rolled cigars.
Due to its subtle nature, Elysium is perfect as an all-day liquid for lasting enjoyment.
A heavenly place for both the senses and Spirit.
꿀, 훈제 나무, 다크 초콜릿의 조합으로 부드럽고 균형잡힌 맛을 선사 합니다.
2. Dark Menthol 다크멘솔
With Dark Menthol Tom Klark developed a liquid that opens unknown dimensions. It is far more than just tasty and well-rounded. He offers an entirely new character of the liquid, because it is designed for both menthol-lovers and skeptics alike.
The special feature that makes it different, is that you can regulate the intensity and strength of the menthol yourself. You choose exactly which flavor level you wish to vape in the long run.
At higher temperatures, the menthol slowly mellows, allowing further nuances to emerge. They are mysterious and robust, and yet familiar and subtle.
Low temperatures, on the other hand, intensifies the menthol and provides the coolness it needs to unfold.
The flavor cannot be compared in the slightest with conventional menthol liquids! No typical “ice bonbon” taste at all! Dark Menthol does not leave any taste of chemical or crystalline aftertaste.
The liquid is fresh and dark at the same time, reminiscent of forests, ferns, and plants in the rainforest. You can practically taste the fresh dew on the leaves, enjoying a pure taste Sensation.
일반적인 멘솔과는 다른 열대우림의 숲, 허브와 같은 피톤치드의 무드를 선사 합니다.
3. Klassik 클래식
Klassik (Classic) is the first and therefore original liquid developed by Tom Klark. It is an all-day liquid consisting of twelve different flavors, as well as different bases, which have been optimized and specially produced for this liquid. This is what makes the taste of Klassik so special.
When inhaled, the dense volume is noticeable. Its taste is creamy with a slight herbiness that evokes tobacco flavor. At the same time, it has a mild, fruity character with a hint of woodruff.
Precisely because it works as an all-day liquid, Klassik wants to be studied and explored, as it is a liquid that develops over time.
크리미한 허브와 토바코의 풍미가 직관적으로 느껴짐과 동시에 마일드한 우드러프, 과일의 풍미도 동시에 느낄 수 있습니다.
4. Utopium 유토피움
Tom Klark’s Utopium is unlike anything you've known before. Its flavor spectrum is so cohesive and balanced that it does exactly what one associates with the word Utopium: a calm and relaxing feeling washes over you from the very first inhale.
Its character is dark, earthy, and natural, evoking the image of sipping fine whiskey in front of a blazing fireplace.
The taste is delicate and potent at the same time, inviting you to sink into its warmth. The liquid brings you to the ultimate depth of relaxation.
유토피움 이라는 이름처럼 차분하고 편안한 느낌을 주는 개성을 가지고 있습니다. 모닥불 앞에서 위스키를 마시는 듯한 기분을 선사합니다.
톰클라크 입호흡 시리즈 (30ml, 9.8mg)